Boosting Productivity through Islamic Principles

DEENIN Monthly
5 min readAug 3, 2023


Our lives today are closely dependent upon the fast-paced development and advancement of the modern world, and keeping up with the frequent changes has definitely placed us within time constraints. So much to do and to keep up and so little time. Don’t we all say that? What we are all fervently seeking, in our own different ways, is a channel or a way that allows us to achieve more than we are able to do. The problem, however, does not end here. As Muslims, it is imperative to keep our actions anchored to our faith and to ensure that it is towards Allah that our intention returns back to. It is an irrefutable fact that Islam is a complete code of life and the solutions to most problems encountered in our daily lives can be found within the Shariah and that also includes simple ideas for a quick fix for achieving more in little time but within the bounds of religion.

This brings us to the highly relevant to current times subject-the question of Productivity according to Islam. To understand the concept, it is prudent to first comprehend the meaning of Productivity before we contrive to study it from a religious approach.

What is Productivity?

According to Muhammad Faris, CEO of Productive Muslim,

Productivity is that positive constant energy which leads you to take practical steps to achieve one goal after another. It starts with taking a simple step of action, and focusing on your task at hand until you complete it.

Islamic Approach to Productivity

The Islamic approach to positivity emphasizes on the connection with Allah SWT and the ultimate purpose of pleasing him in all our actions. Fortunately for Muslims, when they start prioritizing the spiritual link and their religious obligations, they will see an increase in their productivity for indeed Islam is truly a way of life that promotes and develops productivity. The early Muslims relied on three important elements of Islam

  1. Focus
  2. Purpose
  3. Goal

that were instrumental in making them the productive pioneers of their time. If we emulate them, we will surely find ourselves reaping the rewards of productivity as well. Additionally, it is important to keep ourselves anchored to faith in order to achieve maximum results and that can be best done when one focuses on the following:

  1. Time is Limited and Life is short
  2. Remembering Death
  3. Knowing the Creator and the Purpose of Creation
  4. Ignoring the whispering of Shaytaan (Satan)

Tips to Increase Productivity

  1. The Intention

Islam has laid great stress upon the importance of intention, and it is important to make realistic and balanced intentions. Your day will be easier if you start it with the intention of pleasing Allah and gaining Barakah in all that you plan to do whether it is work or doing something for your family. In case you are unable to meet your desired result, rather than abandoning the task, take smaller steps that will bring you closer to its completion and continuously ask for Allah’s SWT help.

  1. Planning according to Prayer Times

The stronger the spirituality level, the better the productivity. Planning not just work, but simple tasks or even social gatherings around prayer times is a simple yet superbly rewarding recommendation. It will make it easy to fulfill obligations and also complete the tasks on time.

  1. Early Bird-The Hours of Productivity

Perhaps one of the most productive times can be found in the early morning after Dawn. Much can be achieved in the head start you get before the household wakes up. The mind Is freshly alert, and the world seems at a standstill while you take your time in completing tasks which might normally take longer during any other time of the day. Indeed, the early hours have also been mentioned in Hadith as being ones to carry great Barakah.

  1. Reading Quran

Productivity in Islam has a very strong connection with worship including the recitation of Quran. While it might seem as if praying and studying the Quran is taking up time, it actually adds more barakah, making it possible to achieve more despite the minutes and hours that were spent in worship rather than work. It might seem outwardly difficult to allocate some of your time towards extra worship but there are a number of products on the market that can make these acts of virtue easy for you. The ABDEEZ Prayer Rug with Backrest is a highly convenient asset to have when you need to lean back for a bit of recitation after prayers especially for those who are not able to take multiples breaks from work.

  1. Meal Planning

Another practical tip is to plan ahead and set down a weekly meal plan so that less time is wasted on merely planning every single day what to cook, especially when one is cooking for one’s family.

Conclusively, Islam is a beautifully structured religion that develops and promotes productivity and does not encourage slackness or procrastination. Indeed, in a hadith, the Prophet ﷺ advised the Muslims to use their youth, health, wealth, free time and life in the most fruitful way. He is quoted as saying:

Take benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death. (Hakim)

Learn how to enhance productivity through Islamic principles, emphasizing spirituality and pleasing Allah. Embrace purpose, goal-setting, and time management while staying true to Islamic values. Practical tips for increased productivity with a focus on faith.


3 productivity lessons from the Sahabah. Quran Academy. (n.d.).,prayers%20at%20the%20right%20times

  1. 4: True productivity: Habits to win here and hereafter. Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. (n.d.-a).

Faris, M. (2018, July 9). What is productivity?. — Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter.

Hossain, L., & Says, M. B. A. (2020, February 4). How to become a productive Muslimah — tips to balance life. WithASpin.

Saad, S. N., Saad, A. S. N., & Suzana Nabil Saad is the former Ask About Islam Editor. She has many years of experience in dawah work.She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the Faculty of Languages. (2018, October 25). 5 tips for a more productive you. About Islam.



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DEENIN Monthly

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